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Showing posts from November 30, 2008

Chilsul and Mansu

Chilsu and Mansu This Easy Rider-esque journey thru politically charged Korea by two losers was a fine human drama. Chilsu is a loner, a big wolf in sheepskin jean jacket, picking up a girl at an air defence drill. Following her into pinball (imagining driving next to her in Hawaiian shirts in a convertible!), then to Burger King, where he draws her picture. Threatening to draw her nude if she doesn’t give him her number, he storms out, returning the next day and does so. She trades him a coffee for the picture: he says he’s an art student, going to Miami Beach soon to join his brother. The American dream. Actually, he’s a movie poster painter whose lateness gets a scolding: he paints a moustache on an idol and leaves, then finds a painter Mansu to buddy up with. He ends up staying at Mansu’s place, borrowing money, even getting him to pretend to be a just returned artist from Paris, complete with beret and pipe, to dou...